China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 29-33.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.05.06

• FEEDING MANAGEMENT • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Application of Big Data and IoT in Dairy Farming*

HU Tingting1, ZHANG Jinmeng2, WANG Yichong1, GUO Kaijun1,*, HANG Renlong1   

  1. 1Animal Science and Technology,Beijing University of Agriculture,Changping Beijing 102206;
    2College of Computer and Information Engineering,Beijing University of Agriculture,Changping Beijing 102206
  • Online:2021-05-25 Published:2021-06-07

Abstract: In recent years,the Internet of things technology and big data mining and analysis applications have gradually penetrated into all areas of people's lives.This paper aims to summarize the development practice of Internet of things and big data in dairy production,in order to promote dairy intelligent production more effectively by blockchain + 5G Internet of things and big data.This paper first analyzes the data collection technology and Internet of things equipment in the production block chain of dairy cows,such as individual identification,weight measurement,milk production performance,estrus monitoring,precise feeding,environmental control,etc.Then,the application of several big data analysis systems which are widely used at home and abroad are described,and the prediction function of cow brain in the process of cow production is emphatically analyzed.The large-scale and intensive dairy production reached a certain level.IOT and automation technology were gradually applied in dairy production.Big data and artificial intelligence improved the management level and economic benefits of dairy farm to a great extent.The brain system of dairy cow had a great impact on dairy production in terms of dairy performance,mastitis risk and mastitis early warning.It has important guiding significance.Internet of things,artificial intelligence,big data and other modern technologies play a role in promoting the production of dairy cows.The practical application of blockchain + 5G Internet of things and big data in dairy production can ensure the quality and safety of milk,and is expected to bring greater social and ecological benefits.

Key words: dairy production, dairy farming, artificial intelligence, big data, Internet of Things(IoT)

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