China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 73-82.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.11.10

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Research Progress on Semi-membrane Covered Compost

SUN Xiaoxi, HUANG Guangqun, HE Xueqin, JING Tianjun, ZHENG Yongjun*   

  1. China Agricultural University,College Of Engineering,Beijing 100083
  • Online:2021-11-25 Published:2021-12-21

Abstract: The annual output of livestock and poultry manure pollution in China is huge. If it is not reasonably utilized,it will lead to a series of ecological and environmental problems. As an important way to achieve the harmlessness, reduction, and resource utilization of agricultural organic solid waste, compost has developed rapidly with the attention of national policies in recent years. Windrow, static forced-aeration, trough and reactor are regarded as main techniques and currently used by domestic and foreign fertilizers to solidify waste fertilizer. Semi-membrane covered compost technology is an improved compost technology model based on static forced-aeration piles and has been widely used due to its characteristics (e.g. energy saving, environmentally friendly, intelligent, efficient, light, portable, economical and universal). This review is an overview of the technical origins and development process, technical characteristics and engineering applications, and domestic and foreign research ofsemi-membrane covered compost.Finally, the key direction of future research and development of semi-membrane covered compost technology is pointed out.

Key words: compost, semi-membrane, research progress

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