China Dairy ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 22-25.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.22.02.04

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Study on the Development Status and Countermeasures of Dairy Farming Industry

LI Chunping, ZHU Xinpei, SUN Kailan, ZHU Qiyao, GAO Yuqiong, ZHAO Jiacai   

  1. Yunnan Provincial Breeding and Extension Center, Yunnan Agricultural Vocational and Technical College, Yunnan Kunming 650212
  • Online:2022-02-25 Published:2022-03-04

Abstract: As one of the most dynamic and potential industries in animal husbandry,my country's dairy farming industry shows a good overall development trend. However,late start and low economic investment,affected by various factors such as low breeding level and imperfect market,compared with foreign countries with more developed dairy farming industries,due to its relatively the current dairy farming industry still has problems such as excessive management methods,insufficient feeding of high-quality forage,unscientific structure of the dairy industry,and insufficient disease prevention and control capabilities.This paper systematically analyzed the development status of my country's dairy farming industry,such as inventory,output and production areas,and suggestions were put forward from the aspects of comprehensively promoting the industrialized development model of dairy cattle breeding,promoting the construction of the development and utilization system of dairy cattle feed and forage,guiding the technological reform and innovation of dairy processing enterprises,and strengthening disease prevention and control work based on multiple measures for reference.

Key words: dairy farming industry, present situation, development countermeasures

CLC Number: 

  • F326.3
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