China Dairy ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (12): 21-26.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.22.12.04

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Overview of Alfalfa Silage and Control of its Key Technical Points

FU Wanling1,2, HU Kongming1   

  1. 1Schaumann Agri Trading (Shanghai)Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100010;
    2Anyang County Cotton Original Species Farm,Anyang Henan 4551113;
    3Tianjin Agricultural University,Tianjin 300384
  • Online:2022-12-25 Published:2023-01-10

Abstract: Alfalfa silage is an important mean solving the problem of alfalfa harvesting and storage in rainy season. This paper analyzed the advantages of the alfalfa silage,discussed the difficulties of alfalfa silage from fermentability andepiphytic microbial flora,put forward the corresponding solving measures and the method of guiding the accurate fermentation of alfalfa silage,provided the screening method of alfalfa silage additives,meanwhile,analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of cellar silage and bales,and pointed out the control of key technical points in alfalfa silage process,so as to provide references for alfalfa growers and dairy cattle farm.

Key words: Alfalfa silage, advantages, difficulties, silage additives, control of key points

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