China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (7): 103-107.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.07.20

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Nutritional Characteristics and Research Progress of Formula Powder for Special Medical Use in Cancer

CHU Baiji   

  1. Qingdao Shengtong Nutritional Food Co.,Ltd.,Beijing Technology Center,Beijing 101100
  • Online:2023-07-25 Published:2023-08-07

Abstract: The number of cancer patients in China is increasing year by year. Tumors have become one of the main factors of death in Chinese population and malnutrition of cancer patients is also one of the main causes of death. The occurrence of nutritional risk and malnutrition seriously affects the prognosis of cancer patients and reduces the tolerance and sensitivity of patients to surgery radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Therefore,how to improve the condition of malnutrition in cancer patients has very important practical significance. Tumor special medical (hereinafter referred to as "tumor special medical powder") use formula food is developed according to the metabolic characteristics of cancer patients which can provide targeted nutrition and improve the status quo of malnutrition in cancer patients. In this paper the nutrient characteristics of tumor total nutrition formula for special medical purposes and the research progress of nutritional supplement products suitable for cancer patients were analyzed.

Key words: tumor, malnutrition, tumor special medical powder, nutritional supplement

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