China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 76-80.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.02.15

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Study on the Thermal Stability of Milk-based Lactose-free Infant Formula for Special Medical Purpose

YANG Kai, ZHANG Tianbo, CHEN Peng, LI Zhaoxu*   

  1. Hebei Sanyuan Foods Co.,Ltd., Shijiazhuang Hebei 050000
  • Online:2024-02-25 Published:2024-03-27

Abstract: [Objective] As a full nutritional formula food, milk-based lactose-free infant formula for special medical purpose contains various nutrients required for infant growth and development. During the heat treatment process, the above nutrients may interact with each other, thus affecting the thermal stability of the product. [Method]The influence of formula composition on the thermal stability of the product was studied in a laboratory trial, the conclusion that was drawn from the laboratory trial was further confirmed in the piolet production. [Result] It was found that the thermal stability of the product could be improved effectively by adding milk protein concentrate and sodium citrate in the formula.[Conclusion] Casein has better thermal stability than whey protein. The thermal stability of milk-based lactose-free infant formula for special medical purpose was improved by adjusting the ratio of whey protein to casein and adding sodium citrate, considering the better thermal stability of casein than that of whey protein.

Key words: Milk-based lactose-free infant formula for special medical purpose, thermal stability, milk protein concentrate

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