China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (10): 26-30.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.10.06

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Critical Points of Calf Welfare and its Significance to Production

CHEN Xingxing1, ZHOU ChunYuan2, ZHAO XinYa1, TIAN YuJia1,*, ZHANG Xuewei1   

  1. 1College of Animal Science and Animal Medicine,Tianjin Agricultural Univeisity,Tianjin Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Breeding and Healthy Breeding,Tianjin 300384;
    2Tianjin Jialihe Feed Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 301800
  • Online:2021-10-25 Published:2021-12-03

Abstract: In recent years,the dairy cattle industry has developed rapidly,and the calf as the main basis of the development of the cattle industry has attracted more and more people's attention in China. Improving the survival rate of calves,standardizing the feeding rules of colostrum,reducing the stress reaction of calves and improving the environmental comfort are the main measures to improve the welfare of calves.Raising the welfare of raising and managing calves has a positive effect on raising the lifetime milk yield of dairy cows. In this paper,the key points of improving the calf welfare and promoting the healthy breeding of dairy cows were analyzed from the aspects of improving the survival rate of the calf,enhancing the immune function of the body,alleviating the stress of the body and improving the comfort of the calf. The aim is to improve the healthy breeding level of cattle and provide technical support for promoting the vigorous development of dairy industry in China.

Key words: calf welfare, immunity, stress, comfort

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