China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (9): 119-124.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.09.20

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Research Progress and Application Status of Plant Milk

CHU Baiji, XU Qingli, LIU Baohua, DU Lingling, BA Ningning, WANG Yancong   

  1. Beijing Technology Center of Qingdao Shengtong Nutritional Food Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 101100
  • Online:2023-09-25 Published:2023-10-16

Abstract: As a new type of drink,plant milk is becoming more and more popular with the public with its healthy natural ingredients,unique flavor and rich types,and has become one of the most popular drinks in addition to milk and other animal milk,enriching the types of milk market and providing consumers with more diversified choices. This paper summarized the research progress and application status of plant milk at home and abroad. At present,the plant milk with the highest market share is mainly soy milk. On this basis,more kinds of plant milk or compound plant milk with different plant sources can be developed by utilizing China's rich plant sources to meet the needs of different people for taste and nutrition components. It is believed that the market demand and development speed of plant milk in the next few years is bound to be faster and faster.

Key words: plant milk, plant protein, research status

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