China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 138-143.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.11.22

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Comparison of Domestic and International Standards for Cow and Goat Milk and Suggestions on the Construction of Standard System

DENG Bo1, JIANG Chunling1, YANG Xiaojun1, MA Yingqing1, CHEN Rouhan1, YANG Changli2, ZHANG Weiyi1,*   

  1. 1Shanghai Agricultural Products Quality and Safety Center, Shanghai 201708;
    2College of Food Sciences & Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306
  • Online:2024-11-25 Published:2024-12-10

Abstract: Based on the comparison of domestic and foreign milk standards,this paper analyzed the differences between each other 's standards,and put forward suggestions for the construction of China 's milk standard system. By comparing the widely recognized international ISO standards and China 's current cow and goat milk standards,this paper proposed that China 's adoption of international standards is lagging behind,especially in raw milk quality grading and testing technical standards.There is a big gap with the international level. At the same time,this paper analyzed the adverse effects of these differences on the domestic milk market and export,and emphasized the necessity of improving the internationalization level of standards. Secondly,this paper discussed the optimization methods of the standard system,including increasing the proportion of mandatory standards and improving the grading standard system. These measures help to standardize and improve the quality and safety of China 's milk through standards,and enhance international competitiveness.In addition,this paper proposed to strengthen the docking with international standards,and improved the production and processing level of raw milk through standard guidance technology upgrading and management improvement.The strategies and suggestions proposed in this paper provided a reference for promoting the improvement and internationalization of China 's milk standard system.

Key words: cow and goat milk, ISO standard, quality grading, standard system

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