China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (6): 28-36.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.06.05

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Risk Factors of Dystocia and Uterine Health in Dairy Cattle

ZHONG Beilei1, PENG Chuanwen2, CAO JIE1,*   

  1. 1College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193;
    2Tianjin Jialihe Animal Husbandry Group co., LTD, Tianjin 300404
  • Online:2021-06-25 Published:2021-07-08

Abstract: This trial analyzed the risk factors of dystocia,retained placenta,metritis and endometritis in dairy cattle. Dystocia risk factors included heifers,cows with body condition score<3.25 and>3.75 at calving,stillbirths, bull calves and heifer calves with heavy birth weigh≥44.0kg.Rretained placenta risk factor included calf birth weight≤34.0kg,and stillbirth would add the risk.Metritis risk factors included stillbirth and retained placenta. Endometritis risk factors included stillbirth,postpartum metritis and body condition score<3.25 and>3.75 at calving.

Key words: dairy cattle, dystocia, retained placenta, metritis, risk factor

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