China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 81-86.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.01.15

• DAIRY INDUSTRY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on the Scientific Design Scope of Protein in Infant Formula

LIU Ying1, ZHAO Liangjun1, LIUJing2, YAO Tianzhen1, Zhang Yixuan1   

  1. 1Linxia Liaoyuan Dairy Co.,LTD.,Linxia Gansu 731800;
    2Health Center of Chaijiamen Town,Huining Gansu 730700
  • Published:2023-02-15

Abstract: [Objective] In order to determine the scientific design scope of protein in Chinese infant formula. [Methods] Firstly, the target protein value was determined by breast milk data, the adequate intake(AI)of protein for infants aged 0 to 6 months, and GB 10765-2021 National Food Safety Standard Infant Formula Food. Secondly, the protein in the same batch of products was detected by different laboratories to determine the detection deviation of protein used in the design of infant powder. Finally, the scientific design range of the protein was calculated by combining the shelf life decay rate and detection deviation. [Conclusion] The target value of protein is 0.49 g/100 kJ, and the scientific design range of protein is 0.44 ~ 0.58 g/100 kJ.

Key words: infant formula, protein, formula design, detection deviation

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