China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 62-68.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.05.12

• FEEDING MANAGEMENT • Previous Articles     Next Articles

How to Establish an Efficient Management System in Large-scale Dairy Farms

CUI Jiuhui1, QI Hang2, ZHANG Manze3, GUO Xiangjin3, CHENG Yanbin3,*, ZHOU Lei3,*, LIU Dexin3, HAN Xiaoyu3, YUAN Peng3, ZHAO Man3, CHEN Jun3   

  1. 1Hulun Buir State Farm,Hailar Inner Mongolia 021008;
    2Hulun Buir Institute of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry,Hulun Buir Inner Mongolia 021008;
    3Hulun Buir Agricultural Reclamation Xertala Farm Co.,Ltd.,Hulun Buir Inner Mongolia 021012
  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-06-11

Abstract: The standardized management of large-scale pasture is the inevitable trend of the development. The excellent pasture management system is the basis of the sustainable development and efficient operation,which can effectively improve the production and economic benefits of the pasture.This paper discusseed the key framework of large-scale pasture management,such as the establishment of monthly performance appraisal system,the establishment of daily meeting,weekly plan,monthly operation analysis system,the formulation of technical regulations,the formulation of incentive methods,and the thinking and practice of the establishment of pasture management system,so as to realize the standardization of pasture management and the improvement of benefits.

Key words: ranch management system, monthly performance evaluation, technical regulation, standardization

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