China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (8): 114-118.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.08.21

• DISEASE PREVENTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Etiology of Common Hoof Diseases in Dairy Cattle

GUO Hai'e, HAN Hongliang   

  1. Agricultural and Technological Bureau of Liangcheng County,Ulanqab Inner Mongolia 013750
  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-03

Abstract: Hoof disease is one of the three major diseases affecting dairy cattle and poses a significant threat to breeding operations. This study aimed to delve into the various factors impacting the health of dairy cattle hooves, including environmental, management, nutritional, disease, and genetic factors, and to propose corresponding preventive and control measures to reduce the incidence of hoof disease and ensure the health and production performance of dairy cattle. Through a literature review, this study analyzed the main types of hoof diseases in dairy cattle, the causes of these diseases, and the impact of different factors on the occurrence of hoof diseases. It particularly summarized the pathogenesis and related risk factors for common hoof diseases such as digital dermatitis, sole ulcers, foot rot, white line disease, and interdigital dermatitis. The study found that environmental factors, especially high temperature and humidity, improper management, unbalanced nutrition, and the cattle's own diseases and genetic factors are closely related to the occurrence of hoof diseases. Reasonable management, balanced nutrition supply, improved environmental conditions, and regular health checks are effective measures for preventing hoof diseases. The prevention and control of dairy cattle hoof diseases require a comprehensive consideration of various factors, adopting a range of measures including improving the breeding environment, scientific management, ensuring balanced nutrition, and regular hoof health checks. These measures can effectively reduce the incidence of hoof diseases and improve the welfare and production efficiency of dairy cattle, provide a theoretical basis and practical guidance for the prevention and control of hoof diseases in dairy cattle.

Key words: dairy cattle, hoof disease, etiology, preventive measures

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