China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (8): 124-129.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.08.23

• DAIRY INDUSTRY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A Feasibility Study on the Appearance Inspection of Dairy Packaging Materials by an Intelligent Plate Matching Technology

LI Yanhong1, WANG Lijun1, LU Zhihua1, GAO Yongliang2, YUAN Dandan1, QI Qi1, LI Hui2, WU Fengji1   

  1. 1Mengniu Dairy(Tangshan) Co.,Ltd.,Tangshan Hebei 064000;
    2Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy (Group) Co., Ltd.,Hohhot Inner Mongolia 011500
  • Online:2024-08-25 Published:2024-09-03

Abstract: In order to effectively identify the common defects in the printing of dairy packaging materials, such as plate-making errors, content differences, text distortion, broken strokes, missing drawings, different sizes, etc., time-consuming, poor repeatability, the results need to be manually entered, data can not be automatically uploaded, not easy to trace the results. Layout text detector can effectively avoid the above problems. This paper mainly compared the manual method and the instrument method for the text detection of dairy packaging materials, compared the accuracy and efficiency of the two methods, and analyzed the difference between the two methods by means of statistics, determined the accuracy and efficiency of the instrument method of detection.

Key words: layout text detector, layout text, accuracy, detection efficiency

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