China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 85-90.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.05.18

• DAIRY INDUSTRY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Current Situation and Research on Production conditions and Packages.

LI Xin   

  1. Payke Co.,Ltd, Beichen Tianjin 300400
  • Online:2021-05-25 Published:2021-06-07

Abstract: Production conditions of infant formula were analyzed.The key point of dry blend process is mixing and the key parameters of blend process is processing time,adding sequence and actual machine capacity.The important steps of wet process are homogenization and spray drying.The key parameters of homogenization are homogenization pressure,particle size.The key parameters of spray drying are high pressure pump pressure,inlet air temperature,concentration of concentrated milk.The effects of different packaging materials on the stability of infant formula powder were compared under different storage conditions.By evaluating the quality of semi-finished products,this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of different processes,and expounds that aluminum-plastic composite film packaging is conducive to product storage.

Key words: mixing uniformity, process, package, infant formular milk powder, stability

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