China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 81-84.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.05.17

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Common Disinfectants and Management in Dairy Production Enterprises

LIANG Junjian, CHEN Chunyu, QIU Lehong, LIN Shuyi, CHEN Xin, LIN Xiachun   

  1. GUANG DONG YAN TANG DAIRY CO.,LTD,GuangZhou GuangDong 510700
  • Online:2021-05-25 Published:2021-06-07

Abstract: In addition to the high temperature disinfection of physical methods,chemical disinfectants are also commonly used in dairy production enterprises.Their disinfection methods are flexible and diverse.They are widely used in the disinfection of packaging materials,production equipment,operators and ambient air.Especially during the regular period of prevention and control of new crown pneumonia,the correct use and management of disinfectants is an important guarantee of food safety.This paper introduces the commonly used disinfectants in dairy production enterprises,and expounds the management of disinfectants from the aspects of purchasing, keeping, preparing,using and disinfection verification.

Key words: dairy production enterprise, disinfectant, management, food safety

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