China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 100-104.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.11.14

• TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Application of Membrane-covered Static Aerobic Fermentation in the Production of Cattle Bedding

PENG Yingxia, GAO Jiwei, LI Junwei, NING Zongba   

  1. Beijing Kingpeng Global Husbandry Technology Co., Ltd,Beijing 100094
  • Online:2021-11-25 Published:2021-12-21

Abstract: Cattle bedding is a very important consumable material in dairy production. Dry and soft bedding can improve the rate and time of lying in bed,and then improve the health and production performance of cows. In recent years,the cattle mattress material market demand has given birth to many mattress material regeneration way. This paper mainly introduces a kind of static aerobic fermentation with membrane covering to produce bedding material. The fermentation process is simple,the investment is small,the construction period is short,no need to build another factory building,the site selection is flexible,the fermentation process can suppress the odor emission,the separation of rain and pollution,has a good environmental friendliness,the operation cost is very low,the fermentation temperature can be controlled on the spot or by remote control,and the fermentation effect is good. The Model of single-stack fermentation is centralized feed-in and feed-out area which is suitable for dairy farm with small investment budget and large mixing site.

Key words: cow mattress material, membrane covered static aerobic fermentation, environment friendly, energy saving

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