China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 105-111.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.11.15

• TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Treatment of Manure in Large-Scale Dairy Farms with Solid-Liquid Separation Technology

ZHANG Man1, ZHAI Zhongwei2, ZHANG Keqiang2, LIU Fuyuan3, YANG Peng2, LIU Heying1   

  1. 1Resources and Environmental Science, Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin Heilongjiang 150036;
    2Agro-Environmental Protection Institute,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Tianjin 300191;
    3Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine,Shihezi Xinjiang 832000
  • Online:2021-11-25 Published:2021-12-21

Abstract: Aiming at the problem of manure treatment in large-scale dairy farms, this project uses solid-liquid separation technology to reduce and improve the environmental management of the farm,especially the manure removal process in the pen. Optimize the environmental quality in the livestock house from a technical point of view, so as to make up for the weaknesses of the existing domestic and foreign livestock and poultry breeding industry manure treatment models. In this study, the Tianjin Herun Livestock Farm was used as a test site to carry out technical solid-liquid separation of the manure produced. The separated solid manure can be reused as a bed mattress for dairy cows after fermentation and drying. After the sewage is diluted and homogenized,it is stored in a storage tank. After the use of solid-liquid separation technology, the daily sewage production has been reduced by 22%,and the total amount of manure has been reduced by approximately 21%. Through technical improvements,the proportion of total suspended particulate matter in the manure after solid-liquid separation treatment is reduced,the total nitrogen and total phosphorus content in the sewage is reduced,COD and BOD are reduced by more than 60%, and the water quality is improved. The solid-liquid separation technology can provide a more convenient and efficient industrial sewage disposal mode for the large-scale aquaculture industry to treat manure and reduce the content of pollutants,so that the large-scale aquaculture products are safer and healthier,and it can also ensure the safety of the people's daily diet.

Key words: solid-liquid separation technology, large-scale farming, manure treatment

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