China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 9-13.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.01.02

• MANAGEMENT • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on the Transformation Path of Management Accounting under the Background of Industry Finance Integration-- A Case Study of Mengniu

LAN Jingxuan   

  1. Xizang Minzu University,Xianyang Shannxi 712000
  • Published:2023-02-15

Abstract: With the rapid development of domestic economy,management accounting has attracted more and more attention of enterprises in recent years. The integration of industry and finance is the organic combination of management accounting and enterprise business activities. It is the top priority of management accounting to help enterprise management accounting gradually realize its value and function. Therefore,the paper took Mengniu Group as a case study to analyze the internal and external environment of management accounting transformation study the path and effect of management accounting transformation and summarized the enlightenment of relevant cases in the context of industry finance integration in order to help more enterprises successfully complete management accounting transformation.

Key words: industry finance integration, management accounting, strategic map, transformation path

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