China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 22-26.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.05.05

• REPRODUCTION & BREEDING • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Application of Timed Sperm Infusion Technology in Breeding of Guanzhong Dairy Goats

YI Chengang1, LI Qiang1, TIAN Lili2   

  1. 1Ningbo Sansheng Biotechnology Technology Co.,Ltd.,Ningbo Zhejiang 315000;
    2Shaanxi CHIA Tai Co.,Ltd.,Xi'an Shaanxi 710000
  • Online:2023-05-25 Published:2023-06-01

Abstract: [Objective]To explore the application effect of timed sperm infusion technology in the breeding of Guanzhong Dairy Goats. [Methods]The farrowing ewes of dairy goat farms in Shaanxi were selected to be tested for disease first,and then timed sperm infusion test was carried out after passing the test. From July to September 2020,according to the actual situation of dairy goats farm inventory and production arrangements,407 one-litter dairy goats were divided into 4 batches for testing,and from July to September 2021,the same batch of Dairy goats (2-litter Dairy goats) and newly added 1-litter dairy goats were divided into 4 batches according to the number of births,and the pregnancy rate of each batch was counted. [Results] In 2020,the average pregnancy rate of dairy goats using timed sperm infusion was 79.1%,excluding the influence of the first dairy goats (some of which may have physiological defects),and the average pregnancy rate was 83.4%. In 2021,the average pregnancy rate of dairy goats using timed insemination was 84.6%,and the pregnancy rate of 2-litter dairy goats was slightly higher than that of 1-litter dairy goats. [Conclusion]In the breeding season,dairy goats can obtain an ideal pregnancy rate by using timed sperm infusion technology. Timed sperm infusion technology can improve the utilization rate of high-quality breeding rams,which is conducive to the expansion of fine breed groups. Timed sperm infusion techniques prevent the spread of diseases of the reproductive organs and parasitic diseases.

Key words: Guanzhong dairy goat, sperm motility, timed sperm infusion, conception rate

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