China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (10): 15-19.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.10.03

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Research on High-quality Development Strategy of Dairy Industry in Dongying under the New Cycle

YANG Yanfen, CUI Shuai, LI Yang, SHI Xinxin, HAN Deqiang   

  1. Dongying Modern Animal Husbandry Development Service Centre,Dongying Shandong 257000
  • Online:2023-10-25 Published:2023-11-13

Abstract: In recent years,Dongying has attached great importance to the development of the dairy industry,continuously increasing policy support,vigorously implementing the standardization,modernization,intellectualization and ecological breeding of dairy cows,and accelerating the implementation of the strategy for revitalizing the dairy industry,the industrial structure was continuously optimized,the transformation and upgrading was quickened,and the high-quality development level was further improved.However,due to the three-year covid-19 pandemic and the severe situation both at home and abroad,the dairy industry is also facing many difficulties, such as falling prices of raw milk,high costs of raising dairy cows, obvious pressure on small and medium-sized ranches,and a gradual surplus of raw milk. Therefore,Dongying has actively increased policy support,innovate the investment and financing mechanism,strengthen the service guidance, promote the upgrading of the industry, strengthen the promotion of grain-to-feed reform, build the pattern of agricultural and animal husbandry cycle,cultivate leading enterprises, build distinctive brands, explore new models,and extend the industrial chain to promote the promotion,cultivate consumption habits and other measures to promote the healthy development of the dairy industry.

Key words: Dongying, dairy industry, achievement, difficulty, countermeasure

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