China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (10): 56-60.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.10.10

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Epidemic Characteristics and Prevention and Control of Infectious Pleuropneumonia in Dairy Sheep

WANG Qingjun   

  1. Yinan Animal Disease Prevention and Control Center,Yinan Shandong 276300
  • Online:2023-10-25 Published:2023-11-13

Abstract: The incidence of infectious pleuropneumonia in dairy sheep is becoming more and more frequent and it has become one of the most harmful infectious diseases in breeding. It is a kind of contact infectious disease caused by mycoplasma ovis pneumoniae sheep with high fever, asthma,exudative inflammation of lungs and pleura,and pulmonary interstitial proliferative inflammation as the main symptoms. The disease has been reported in many countries and regions around the world,and many provinces in China have also been found,with a high incidence and mortality,and the mortality rate of some sheep farms can even reach 70%,causing greater economic losses to farmers. This paper introduced the etiology,epidemic characteristics and diagnosis methods of infectious pleuropneumonia in dairy sheep,and put forward targeted prevention and control measures based on the comprehensive characteristics of the disease,in order to reduce the economic losses of farmers and promote the healthy development of dairy sheep industry.

Key words: dairy sheep, infectious pleuropneumonia, popular characteristics, epidemic prevention and control

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