China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (10): 61-66.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.10.11

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The Potential of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus to Prevent and Treat Bacterial Diarrhea in Calves

HUANG Meng   

  1. Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary,Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Heilongjiang 161005
  • Online:2023-10-25 Published:2023-11-13

Abstract: Bacterial diarrhea is a common problem that troubles calf feeding in dairy.The problem of antibiotic resistance of pathogenic bacteria makes the prevention and treatment of bacterial diarrhea more difficult and costly.Bdellovibrio bacteriophage is the bacteria that preys on Gram-negative bacteria and has a wide range of prey. The principle of predation makes it not affected by the antibiotic resistance of prey.Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus may be a new way to prevent and treat bacterial diarrhea in calves.By collecting research on pathogenic bacteria and their antibiotic resistance to calf diarrhea in China in the past 5 years,as well as predation,safety,and application of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus in China and abroad in the past 10 years,this paper reviewed them from the perspective of prevention and treatment of calf diarrhea.The aim is to provide theoretical basis and new ideas for the prevention and treatment and research of bacterial diarrhea caused by Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus in calves.

Key words: Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus, calf, intestinal pathogenic bacteria, diarrhea, antibiotic resistance

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