China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 89-93.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.05.17

• DISEASE PREVENTION • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effect of Chinese Medicine Combination with Western Medicine on the Treatment of Eugastritis,Excretion and Feeding in Dairy Cows

ZHANG Jianbin   

  1. Agricultural and Rural Comprehensive Service Center,Bincheng District,Binzhou Shandong 256600
  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-06-11

Abstract: [Objective] To study the effect of Chinese medicine combined with Western medicine on eupgastritis in dairy cows and its influence on excretion and feeding. [Method] 166 adult lactating cows with eugastritis were randomly selected from a large-scale dairy farm in Binzhou City,Shandong Province.All the cows were similar in age,parity,body shape,etc.According to the method of randomization,they were divided into observation group and control group. [Result] The control group was treated with Western medicine,and the observation group was treated with traditional Chinese medicine for 7 days.The effects of treatment,excretion and feeding of cows after treatment were compared between the two groups.The therapeutic effect of cows in observation group was significantly higher than that in control group,and the total cure rate was higher than that in control group(P<0.05).After treatment,the frequency of excretion and fecal character of cows in observation group returned to normal,and the normal rate was higher than that in control group(P<0.05).The feed intake of cows in the observation group was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05),and the rumination times of cows in the observation group were within the normal range,which was better than that in the control group(P<0.05). [Conclusion] The combination of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine in the treatment of eupgastritis can improve the therapeutic effect of eupgastritis,and promote the cow to return to normal excretion and feeding as soon as possible,which has advantages and value in promotion.

Key words: cow, eugastritis, traditional Chinese medicine prescription, excretion, feed

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