China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (12): 8-14.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.12.02

• DAIRY ECONOMICS • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Overview of the World Dairy Goat and Sheep Industry

LI Fu1, HOU Jinxing2, ZHANG Lei2, YUAN Hao2, CAO Binyun1,*, SONG Yuxuan1,*, AN Xiaopeng1,*   

  1. 1College of Animal Science and Technology, Northwest A & F University, Yangling Shannxi 712100;
    2College of Animal Engineering, Yangling Vocational & Technical College, Yangling Shannxi 712100;
  • Online:2024-12-25 Published:2025-01-03

Abstract: After wild goat and sheep has been domesticated into domestic goat, people specialized in breeding goat and sheep for milk, meat and wool according to their different uses. Dairy goat and sheep refers to the breeding of milk goat and sheep breeds with excellent lactation performance by optimizing the lactation performance of goat and sheep. Goat and sheep milk appear in many ancient Chinese literature. It has high nutritional and medical value, and is also known as the king of milk. Based on the inquiry of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO), this paper summarized the recent status of dairy goat and sheep production in the world and China, and put forward suggestions for related industrial problems. It also can provide reference for goat and sheep dairy enterprises to understand the current industry situation.

Key words: dairy goat and sheep, stock, milk production

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