China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 23-33.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.11.03

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Research Progress On Particulate Matter Harmful Effects and Its Characteristics from Dairy Barn

LU Yujian1,2, Li Yongzhen1,2, Fang Zhiwei1,2, Shi Zhengxiang1,2,3, Wang Chaoyuan1,2,3,*   

  1. 1Department of Agricultural Structure and Biological Engineering, College of Water Resources and Civil Engineering, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083;
    2Key Laboratory of Agricultural Engineering in Structure and Environment, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Beijing 100083;
    3Beijing Engineering Research Center on Animal Healthy Environment, Beijing 100083
  • Online:2021-11-25 Published:2021-12-21

Abstract: In recent decades,dairies in many countries have evolved to large-scale facilities,especially in China.Therefore,more attentions have been paid to particulate matter(PM)released from dairy barns since its adverse effect on animal production performance and efficiency,as well as the health and welfare of farming workers and neighbors.However,there were still lack of information about PM characteristics from dairy barns,which considerably limited further studies and formulation of environmental protection policies. Based on the limited field monitoring results in dairy farms from different countries or areas,PM hazards,concentration and emission,dispersion and its key influencing factors has been reviewed in this paper.The results showed that most of the data were acquired based on intermittent measurement,PM concentration,emission and its spatial and temporal distribution varied differently and even contradictorily,which could not reflect the real PM condition inside or outside the intensive dairy facilities.Moreover,many odorants and pathogenic microorganisms were found adsorbed on PM emitted from livestock facilities.The characteristics such as the interdependency between PM and odorants,microorganisms were still not clear.Further researches are needed focusing on multi-points,long term PM monitoring based on IoT (Internet of Things) technique,qualifying the PM contribution from daily management. The environmental risk caused by PM dispersion from dairy farm should be assessed using the dispersion model. Moreover,the interaction mechanisms between PM and the odorants,microorganisms adsorbed on PM from intensive dairy barns are expected to explore systematically.

Key words: dairy barn, particulate matter, concentration, emission, dispersion

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