China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 112-117.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.11.16

• TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCH • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Study on Single Carrier Adsorption of Microorganisms

WANG Ge1, YANG Meng2, YANG Mingyue1, LU Lin1,*   

  1. 1School of Animal Science and Technology,Beijing Agricultural University,Beijing 101300;
    2North China Key Laboratory of Urban Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas,Beijing 102206
  • Online:2021-11-25 Published:2021-12-21

Abstract: The preservation of microbial agents has always been a difficult problem, which directly affects the application of microbial agents. Because the preservation effect of liquid bacteria is not ideal and the use is inconvenient, it is particularly urgent to find a carrier with large amount of bacteria, which can increase cell density and maintain the viability of bacteria. In order to develop a single carrier suitable for adsorbing microorganisms, the single carrier adsorbed microorganisms were cultured and their cellulase and catalase activities were measured regularly. Through the above data and analysis, several carriers with good performance are selected, which also provides data and screening for the composite carrier test. The results showed that the performance of wheat bran and dry cow dung were excellent in the determination of catalase activity, and the three bacteria peaked from the sixth to the eighth day. In the determination of cellulase activity, the performance of wheat bran and dry cow dung was more prominent, and the cellulase activities of the three bacteria received from wheat bran increased significantly in the later stage. Wheat bran, diatomite, dried cow dung and sawdust are suitable for the adsorption of ZX5, ZZ9 and ZH9 microorganisms.

Key words: single carrier, adsorbent, microorganism

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