China Dairy ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (9): 81-88.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.22.09.17

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Research on Sources of Perchlorate Contamination in Production of Goat Milk Infant Formula

KANG Jie, CHEN Hongjian, LI Yuan, SUN Yanan, SHI Fei, LIU Juanjuan, FAN Chen, REN Yi, SONG Yue, REN Jing   

  1. Shaanxi Institute of Product Quality Supervision and Inspection,Xi'an Shaanxi 710048
  • Online:2022-09-25 Published:2022-09-30

Abstract: [Objective] This paper focused on assessing contamination level of perchlorate in raw and auxiliary materials in 13 goat milk infantformula enterprises. [Method] Process analysis method was used to detect and analyze the production process and raw materials of goat milk infantformula with different production processes,and to determine the main source and contribution rate of perchlorate in goat milk infantformula. [Result] A total of 104 process samples and 81 raw and auxiliary materials samples were detected.It was determined that perchlorate would not be produced by the three production processes of goat milk infantformula.The main source of perchlorate in goat milk infantformula was the introduction of raw milk and the contribution rate of perchlorate in auxiliary materials to goat milk infantformula was less than 26%.The high risk factor of perchlorate in excipients is milk containing raw materials.[Conclusion] The three production processes of goat milk infantformula have no effect on the production of perchlorate. Raw milk is the main source of perchlorate in goat milk infantformula,and perchlorate in auxiliary materials will be brought into goat milk infantformula,in which the contribution rate of milk raw materials is high and the risk is high.

Key words: goat milk infantformula, perchlorate, source analysis

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