Journal Information
  • Journal of Chinese Research Hospitals
    (Bimonthly,started publication in 2014)
    Responsible Institution
    Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
    Sponsor Institution
    Chinese Research Hospital Association
    Science and Technology of China Press
    Editorial Board of Journal of Chinese Research Hospitals
    Science and Technology of China Press
    Office/Room 2002-2003, Tower A, GT International Center , No. 3 of YongAnDongLi, Chaoyang District, Beijing , China
    Post code:100022
    Postal Distribution Code:82-833
    Overseas Issue NO.:BM9207
    ISSN 2095-8781 CN 10-1274/R
Current Issue
Volume 0 Issue 9, 25 September 2022
Principle and Key Points Analysis of Making Whole Corn Silage
CAO Xiaobo, LIANG Zhandong, ZHANG Yan
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 7-7.
Abstract ( 250 ) PDF(6928KB) ( 313 )
Regulation of Weaned Calf Breeding under High Feed Cost
JI Cuiying, ZHOU Bowen, ZHOU Juan, ZHOU Chunyuan, ZHANG Jie, ZHANG Shitian, ZHANG Yamin, HE Zhiguang, QIU Pubin
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 14-19.
Abstract ( 193 ) PDF(1140KB) ( 125 )
Effects of Major Royal Jelly Proteins to Cryopreservation Solution on Sperm Performance
LI Ziqing, HUANG Jinming, SHEN Lirong, SHI Fangxiong
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 29-33.
Abstract ( 222 ) PDF(1389KB) ( 105 )
Effects of Compound Chinese Herbal Medicine Additive on Performance of Dairy Cows
WANG Fugang, ZHANG Xiwen, LIU Zhaoqian, HAN Han
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 48-51.
Abstract ( 175 ) PDF(1028KB) ( 64 )
Prescription for Prevention,Control and Treatment of Common Respiratory Diseases of Sheep
JI Yunzhou, WANG Chunying, XIAO Xidong
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 51-56.
Abstract ( 337 ) PDF(1145KB) ( 637 )
Popularization of Resource Utilization Model of Cow Dung
GAO Yan, ZENG Jun, HUO Xiangdong, SUN Jian, LI Fengming, LIU Jiancheng, CHENG Kaixun, LIN Qing
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 57-61.
Abstract ( 281 ) PDF(1137KB) ( 156 )
Effects of Different Refrigeration Modes on Temperature,Acidity and Total Number of Bacteria in Fresh Milk
HE Hong, XIE Jingang, LIU Wenhua, LI Jianxing, LI Zhixing, PENG Xiayu, WEI Yong
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 62-65.
Abstract ( 279 ) PDF(1134KB) ( 181 )
Uncertainty Evaluation for the Determination of Furosine in Milk by HPLC
HEYing, CAO Xuesi, JI Kunfa, YANG Aijun, CHEN Xin, CHEN Chunyu
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 71-80.
Abstract ( 206 ) PDF(2074KB) ( 59 )
Research on Sources of Perchlorate Contamination in Production of Goat Milk Infant Formula
KANG Jie, CHEN Hongjian, LI Yuan, SUN Yanan, SHI Fei, LIU Juanjuan, FAN Chen, REN Yi, SONG Yue, REN Jing
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 81-88.
Abstract ( 494 ) PDF(1058KB) ( 455 )
Development of Russian Flavor Jujube and Wolfberry Yoghurt
DENG Kai, CHEN Wenlu, HE Xiangwei, LI Yuanye, LIU Yanyan, SUN Zhigang, CONG Wenguang
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 88-94.
Abstract ( 203 ) PDF(1912KB) ( 65 )
Comparative Study on Determination Methods of Bovine Lactoferrin in Dairy Products
CHEN Rouhan, HAN Yiyi, MA Yingqing, LIU Yang, FENG Dongsheng
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 95-101.
Abstract ( 396 ) PDF(1220KB) ( 563 )
Preparation of Whey Powder as By-product of Yunnan Dairy Cake
HUANG Si, WU Xiaochun, YU Zhijin, ZHAO Cunchao, PENG Lei
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 102-107.
Abstract ( 177 ) PDF(1609KB) ( 44 )
Study on Optimization of Solidified Chufa Yoghurt
QIN Xuanxuan, Maryna Samilyk, LUO Yanghe
China Dairy, 2022, 0 (9): 108-113.
Abstract ( 286 ) PDF(1325KB) ( 53 )