China Dairy ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 76-80.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.22.11.14

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A Comparative Study on the Determination of Folic Acid in Milk Powder by Two Microbial Methods Based on the New National Standard

YanJiajun1, YAO Lifeng2, QI Yan1, ZHANG Juan1, HUANG Cuili1, WU Simin1   

  1. 1Guangdong Testing Institute for Product Quality Supervision,Foshan Guangdong 528300;
    2Technical Center of Gongbei Customs,Zhuhai Guangdong 519015
  • Online:2022-11-25 Published:2022-12-14

Abstract: [Objective]This study compared two microbial methods for the determination of folic acid in milk powder in the upcoming GB5009.211-2022 National Food Safety Standard for the Determination of Folic Acid in Food. [Method]The accuracy and repeatability of the test tube method and the microplate method for the determination of folic acid were verified,and the two methods were compared and analyzed according to the difference of the data and the experimental operation process.[Result]It can be seen from the accurate experiment that the measured results of the two methods are consistent with the true value of the reference material,and the relative standard deviation(RSD)is 2.7% and 2.9%,respectively,with no significant difference. From the consequences of repeatability experiments,it can be known that the RSD value of the test tube method is 1.3% to 3.1%, and the RSD value of the microplate is 1.6% to 2.9%.[Conclusion]The accuracy and repeatability of the two microbiological methods of the new national standard are good,and both can effectively determine folic acid in milk powder. The microplate method has higher efficiency and lower cost,and is appropriate for the detection needs of large batches of samples.

Key words: folic acid, milk powder, test tube method, microplate method, new national standard

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