China Dairy ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (12): 52-57.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.22.12.10

• FEEDING MANAGEMENT • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Dairy Breeding Management Practices of Simmental Calves

DANG Xinyan1, FANG Shaohua1, DENG Yongqiang1,*, GUO Aiwei2, JIANG Lichun1, HOU Jiechuan1, LI Jian1, WANG Kai1, ZHANG Nengfei1   

  1. 1Yangping Breeding Cattle Farm of Sichuan Province,Hongya Sichuan 620360;
    2College of Life Science of Southwest Forestry University,Kunming Yunnan 650224
  • Online:2022-12-25 Published:2023-01-10

Abstract: Simmental cattle is a kind of large cattle breed with both milk and meat, which has good milk and meat production performance. It can bring very considerable farming benefits. Newborn calves are a special stage of the herd,related to the long-term development of the farm,feeding and management of calves is a top priority. This paper was based on the management experience of Yangping Breeding Cattle Farm of Sichuan Province for nearly five years. It analyzed and summarized the rearing and management techniques of calves after birth in detail,in order to provide reference for breeding calves in farms.

Key words: Simmental, calves, key points of feeding management

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