China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 20-24.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.01.04

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The Research on the Prospects of Leisure Tourism Ranch of Ningxia under the Influence of VR Technology

FANG Ruyi1,2, WU Haifeng1, YAN Wen1, LIU Le1,2, WANG Kehui1,*   

  1. 1Ningxia University School of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies,Zhongwei Ningxia 755000;
    2Dairy Corporation Limited of Ningxia State Farm,Yinchuan Ningxia 750011
  • Published:2023-02-15

Abstract: As a result of the COVID-19,Cloud Tourismhas become a popular form of tourism. VR technology,with its advantages of immersion,interactivity,perception and autonomy,can fully meet the public's strong demand for tourism. Ningxia is located in the golden milk source belt,and the milk industry is its advantageous characteristic industry. The unique geographical environment and cow resources are favorable conditions for Ningxia to realize the transformation from traditional cow breeding to leisure and sightseeing pasture. However,due to the lack of large-scale pastures,unclear development path of pastures,and the construction of leisure pastures in the primary stage in Ningxia,the experience,participation and comprehensive income of leisure and sightseeing pastures are low. This paper focused on the analysis of the concept and application of VR technology,and discussed how VR technology created the scene of leisure and sightseeing ranch and combining the background of big data era,discussed the development prospect of Ningxia leisure and sightseeing ranch.

Key words: VR, 5G, leisure and tourism ranch, development prospect

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