China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 130-136.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.05.24

• DAIRY INDUSTRY • Previous Articles    

Research on Optimization of the process of Lemon Flavor Ice Cream by Response Surface Methodology

YANG Li, AO Yuwei, CHENG Jinliang, ZHONG Yaru, WEI Qin*   

  1. Sichuan Oil Engineering Technology Research Center,Yibin University,Yibin Sichuan 644000
  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-06-11

Abstract: [Objective] Response surface methodology was used to optimize the process of lemon flavor ice cream. [Method] With the sensory score of ice cream as the index,milk powder,sucrose,lemon essential oil and aging time as factor variables,the relationship among the factors and the sensory score was studied through single factor experiments.The process parameters were optimized based on the response surface analysis. [Result] The best process for lemon flavor ice cream as:1 000 g of mixture as a reference amount,milk powder 11%,sucrose 11%,lemon essential oil 60.30 μL,aging time 21 h,thin cream 2%,carboxymethylcellulose sodium and xanthan gum 0.1% each.The sensory score was 88.3,which showed a small deviation from the predicted value of the model. [Conclusion] The model had a good prediction,and it was feasible to optimize the process of lemon flavor ice cream by response surface methodology.

Key words: lemon, ice cream, process optimization, response surface methodology

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