China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (2): 81-89.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.02.16

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Research on the Process of Osmanthus Flavored Yellow Peach Plant-Based Yogurt

YU Senyan, HUANG Zhang, LIANG Hailong, LU Zhenlan*, XIA Jirong, LI Zhihong   

  1. College of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Guangxi Minzu Normal University, Chongzuo Guangxi 532200
  • Online:2024-02-25 Published:2024-03-27

Abstract: [Objective] Using osmanthus and instant soybean powder as the main raw materials, and adding yellow peach juice, to prepare osmanthus flavored yellow peach plant-based yogurt. [Method] Using color, flavor, taste and tissue status as sensory evaluation indicators, and the fermentation temperature of yogurt was fixed at 42 ℃. A single factor experiment was conducted to explore the effects of the addition amounts of instant soybean powder, bacterial strain, sucrose, yellow peach juice, and different fermentation time on the sensory evaluation of osmanthus flavored yellow peach plant-based yogurt. Combined with orthogonal experiments, a fuzzy mathematical sensory evaluation method was established to optimize the process of osmanthus flavored yellow peach plant-based yogurt. [Result] The addition amount of instant soybean powder was 28%, the addition amount of bacterial strain was 3%, the addition amount of sucrose was 4%, the addition amount of yellow peach juice was 12%, and the fermentation time was 8 hours. Under these process conditions, the sensory score of yogurt produced was 89.8 points. [Conclusion] The product had a bright color and combines the fragrance of osmanthus and yellow peach. It had a delicate and smooth taste, a delicious sour and sweet taste, and a good solidification state.

Key words: osmanthus, yellow peach, plant-based yogurt, fuzzy mathematics

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