China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 16-23.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.05.03

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Research and Exploration on the Processing Operation Mode of Hebei Dairy Farm Office under the New Business Mode

YUAN Yiqi1, JIA Haoran1, MA Xiuguo2, WANG Jie1, ZHAO Huiqiu2,*   

  1. 1College of Economisc and Management,Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding Hebei 071001;
    2Hebei Provincial Animal Husbandry Station,Shijiazhuang Hebei 050030
  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-06-11

Abstract: As a large dairy province,dairy farmers in Hebei Province are facing the double pressure of increasing production cost and insufficient bargaining power.In order to improve the risk resilience of dairy farmers,since 2018,national and local departments have introduced a series of policies to support the implementation of the “dairy farmer processing model”.In this paper,the current situation of dairy farm processing in Hebei Province was deeply investigated,and three “dairy farm processing” modes were analyzed:The self-owned ranch + milk bar model,the self-owned ranch + central kitchen + milk bar model and the self-owned ranch + dairy processing plant model.Each model has its own advantages and adaptation conditions,but at the same time,the dairy farm processing model also faces a number of challenges,including lack of quality standards,regulatory difficulties,lack of specific policies,difficult production and operation licenses,limited sales channels.In order to solve these problems,this paper put forward countermeasures such as strengthening quality and safety supervision,lowering entry threshold,perfecting legal system,expanding sales channels,increasing policy support and forming perfect pricing mechanism of raw milk.It aimed to promote the high-quality development of the dairy industry in Hebei Province,help dairy farmers out of the breeding dilemma,and share the value-added income of the industry.

Key words: Hebei Province, dairy processing, operation mode

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