China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 94-97.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.05.18

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Research on the Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide by Refractometer Method in Dairy Production Process

BAO Xiaofeng, ZHAO Jingjing*, ZHANG Chunli, GU Chunguang, YANG Liudai, ZHANG Guangfu, CHEN Juan   

  1. Testing Laboratory,Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy Horqin Co.,Ltd.,Tongliao Inner Mongolia 028000
  • Online:2024-05-25 Published:2024-06-11

Abstract: [Objective] Hydrogen peroxide is used as a packaging disinfectant in dairy production, and its content needs to be tested before and after heating. This study focused on hydrogen peroxide and collected hydrogen peroxide with a content of 0% to 50% for testing. The study investigated the effects of three factors, namely content, temperature, and time, on the results of refractive index detection, providing guidance for daily testing. [Method] In view of the different concentrations of similar substances have different refractive indices of light,and the concentration change is inversely proportional to the refractive index change within a certain range,the hydrogen peroxide refractometer can automatically calculate the concentration of the samples by detecting the difference in the refraction angle of the samples. [Result] (1)The same sample was tested by refractometer method,the results were less discrete,the data was stable,and the correlation with the national standard method was good.(2)Different cotents of hydrogen peroxide were detected by refractometer method and national standard method respectively,the deviation of results was 0.3% and 0.0% respectively,and the sample content had no influence on the accuracy of the results.(3)The detection temperature of refractometer should be ≤35 ℃ to ensure that the sample temperature is 20~35 ℃,and the accurate value can be obtained by the detection of the refractometer.(4)If the test time exceeded 50 s,the detection value would change.It is recommended to control the reading within 50 s for daily testing. [Conclusion] Using refractometer method to detect hydrogen peroxide concentration is a fast,accurate and easy to operate.It is necessary to pay attention to the influence of sample temperature and detection time during operation.

Key words: refractometer, hydrogen peroxide, high accuracy, easy to operate

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