China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 27-30.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.03.06

• FEEDING MANAGEMENT • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Key Points Of Feeding And Management Of Dairy Cows In Perinatal Period

JING Xuejin, JING Zhongping   

  1. Tonghe Animal Health and Product Quality Supervision Station,Pingdu Qingdao 266700
  • Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-04-09

Abstract: The feeding and management of dairy cows in perinatal period is the top priority in the production of large-scale dairy farms. This work not only affects the milk yield and quality of dairy cows, but also directly determines the health level of newborn calves and the postpartum recovery of dairy cows. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the feeding management of dairy cows in the perinatal period, so as to make a smooth transition before and after delivery. This paper introduced the management needs of dairy cows in the early and late perinatal period from the aspects of nutritional needs management, grouping management, feeding management and environmental management, in order to provide theoretical reference for scientific feeding and management of dairy cows in perinatal period.

Key words: dairy cattle, perinatal period, feeding management

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