China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (3): 57-64.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.03.13

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Principles Guideline of Label Design for Australian-New Zealand Infant Formula Products

FAN Yao, PENG Xiyang, DAI Zhiyong, WANG Jiaqi, DONG Ling, PAN Lina*   

  1. Ausnutria Dairy (China) Co.,Ltd,Ausnutria Institute of Food and Nutrition, Changsha Hunan 410200
  • Online:2021-03-25 Published:2021-04-09

Abstract: In-depth interpretation of the labellingregulations in the Australia-New Zealand Food Standards Code and New Zealand export-related labelling regulations. The basic regulatory requirements for the labelling of infant formula products in Australia and New Zealand are clarified. The content of the mandatory labelling,labelling form,labelling basis and prohibition of label content of infant formula milk powder products in Australia and New Zealand were analysed. Practical guidance and recommendations for the practical infant formula production and export product labelling in Australia and New Zealand are offered.

Key words: Australia, New Zealand, infant formula, label, design, principle

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