China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (7): 44-50.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.07.10

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Development Status and Suggestions of Tianjin Dairy Industry

YUAN Wenhuan1, GUO Shuang2, ZHANG Tianqi3, CHEN Jingyi3, TIAN Yujia4, JIA Chuntao5   

  1. 1Tianjin Wuqing District Agricultural Development Service Center,Tianjin 301700;
    2Tianjin Agricultural Development Service Center,Tianjin 300061;
    3University of Sydney,Sydney Australia NSW 2006;
    4Tianjin Agricultural University,Tianjin 300381;
    5Tianjin Wuqing District Hailin Farm,Tianjin 301718
  • Online:2023-07-25 Published:2023-08-07

Abstract: The dairy industry is indispensable to China,which is related to national health and the strength of the nation. It is also a landmark industry of agricultural modernization that is related to the national economy and people's livelihood. Tianjin dairy industry maintains a good overall trend. It has the characteristics of high scale aquaculture,strong driving ability for dairy product processing,and obvious cluster effect. In a word,Tianjin dairy industrial quality has steadily improved. But it also bears many pressures such as environmental protection,safety,and profitablity. Regarding this,The paper conducted research on the current development status of Tianjin's dairy industry and analyzed the opportunities and pressures for its development,at the same time,proposed to deepen the adjustment of agricultural structure,built a diversified dairy industry pattern,gave play to the high-quality brand effect,and guided the high-quality development of urban modern dairy industry of digital transformation.

Key words: Tianjin, dairy industry, development, present situation, suggestion

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