China Dairy ›› 2024, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 15-21.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.24.11.02
• SMART FARMING • Previous Articles Next Articles
YUAN Sirao, FANG Sicheng, GUO Yongqing, LIU Guangbin*
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[1] | GUO Jie, ZHANG Yi, YANG Sen, ZHANG Hairong, SUN Liyuan, LING Xingxing, LI Sheng, JIA Yonghong. The Problems of Dairy Goat Reproduction and the Prospect of Technology Application [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(8): 3-7. |
[2] | LING Xingxing, ZHANG Yi, CHEN Hui, ZHANG Yan, JIA Yonghong. Thoughts and Suggestions on the Future Breeding Path of Dairy Goats [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(8): 14-18. |
[3] | LING Xingxing, TANG Yongfeng, NIE Linwen, SUN Liyuan, SHANG Mingyu, JIA Yonghong. Development Strategies and Suggestions for Shaanxi Dairy Goat Seed Industry [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(8): 19-23. |
[4] | HU Jianhong, WU Qiang, WANG Pengfei, NIU Manying, FAN Liaoyu, XU Xiwang, SHI Huaiping. Technical Strategies for Flock Management in the Form of Large-scale Farming of Dairy Goats [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(8): 24-30. |
[5] | MENG Ziqi, YANG Lei, ZHANG Yaozhi, JIANG Lili, CHEN Na, LIU Min, LI Xue, AN Xiaoping, ZHAO Qinan. Effects of Different Treatments on Estrus Synchronization in Dairy Goats [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(8): 31-37. |
[6] | YANG Yuhang, ZHANG Hao, WANG Junning, LIU Jia. The Application Effect of Three Different Breeding Techniques in Off-season Breeding Period of Dairy Goats [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(8): 38-43. |
[7] | YANG Lei, MENG Ziqi, ZHANG Yaozhi, JIANG Lili, CHEN Na, GUO Yu, HE Tingyi, ZHAO Qinan. Effect of Light Control on Melatonin and Sex Hormone Secretion in Dairy Goats [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(8): 44-50. |
[8] | HE Haijun. Research on the Application of Self-designed Jianwei Bupi Shenghua Decoction in Postpartum Dairy Goats [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(8): 64-68. |
[9] | LI Xikang, MENG Qinghua. Pathological,Serological and Molecular Biological Diagnosis of Goat Pox [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(5): 74-78. |
[10] | WANG Xuan, QIAO Guanghua. Comparison of Production Efficiency and Analysis of Influencing Factors of Different Milk Sources in Traditional Dairy Products -A Case Study of Zhenglan Banner in Inner Mongolia as an Example [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(4): 15-23. |
[11] | XU Lixin, NIU Chaobing, CAO Shuxian, XIAO Xidong. Common Internal Parasitic Diseases of Dairy Goats and Their Prevention and Treatment [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(3): 29-34. |
[12] | ZHAO Liuyin. Study on the Effect of Compound Chinese Herbal Medicine on the Prevention and Treatment of Milk Goat Mastitis [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(2): 55-59. |
[13] | BAI Qingling, WANG Bin. Isolation, Identification and Prevention of Main Pathogenic Bacteria of Dairy Goat Mastitis [J]. China Dairy, 2024, 0(1): 45-50. |
[14] | YI Chengang, LI Qiang, TIAN Lili. Application of Timed Sperm Infusion Technology in Breeding of Guanzhong Dairy Goats [J]. China Dairy, 2023, 0(5): 22-26. |
[15] | FAN Liaoyu, LI Donghong, CHENG Yinyin, NIU Manying, TIAN Bowen, HU Jianhong, SHI Huaiping, WANG Xiaodong, XU Junhong. Physiological Functions of Soy Isoflavones and Their Application in Dairy Goat Production [J]. China Dairy, 2023, 0(5): 27-31. |