Journal Information
  • Journal of Chinese Research Hospitals
    (Bimonthly,started publication in 2014)
    Responsible Institution
    Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
    Sponsor Institution
    Chinese Research Hospital Association
    Science and Technology of China Press
    Editorial Board of Journal of Chinese Research Hospitals
    Science and Technology of China Press
    Office/Room 2002-2003, Tower A, GT International Center , No. 3 of YongAnDongLi, Chaoyang District, Beijing , China
    Post code:100022
    Postal Distribution Code:82-833
    Overseas Issue NO.:BM9207
    ISSN 2095-8781 CN 10-1274/R
Current Issue
Volume 0 Issue 1, 25 January 2018
Composition of Oil and Fat in Infant Formula Milk Powder and Its Research Progress of Microencapsulation
DAI Yi, MO Hong-wei, ZHANG Yan-chun, PAN Li-na, DAI Zhi-yong, LIU Cheng-guo, ZHOU Hui
China Dairy, 2018, 0 (1): 53-56.
Abstract ( 234 ) PDF(1023KB) ( 326 )
Design and Precautions of CIP Cleaning System
LIU Dian-yu, CAI Yong-jian
China Dairy, 2018, 0 (1): 63-65.
Abstract ( 528 ) PDF(1079KB) ( 440 )
The Influence Study of Different Time Factors,Regional Factors and Economic Conditions on the Composition of Fatty Acids in Breast Milk in China
LIU Cui-ping, YAN Yong-heng, FAN Wei-yu, BAO Li, QIU Bin, DU Fang-ling, CHEN Liang, XU Tong-cheng
China Dairy, 2018, 0 (1): 66-73.
Abstract ( 167 ) PDF(2715KB) ( 375 )