China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (4): 85-88.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.04.19

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Application of Food Additives in Fermented Dairy Products

REN Jingbo, REN Lizhe   

  1. Heilongjiang Vocational College,Harbin Heilongjiang 150111
  • Published:2021-05-08

Abstract: Fermented dairy products are a kind of dairy products with rich nutrition and unique taste and flavor,which are deeply loved by consumers.With the enhancement of consumers' food safety awareness,more and more people question the use of food additives,and even misunderstand and panic,and wantonly exaggerate the harmfulness of food additives.This article summarizes the application of starters,emulsifiers,thickeners and sweeteners in fermented dairy products,with a view to improving the use of food additives and rational consumption in fermented dairy products.

Key words: food additives, fermented dairy products, application

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