China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 52-57.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.01.10

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Common Methods of Furosine and Lactoferrin in Dairy Products

XU Dajiang, MA Zhanfeng, ZHAO Lijuan, LI Bo   

  1. Harbin Product Quality Comprehensive Inspection and Testing Center,Harbin Heilongjiang 150090
  • Published:2023-02-15

Abstract: In order to promote the revitalization of the dairy industry,the National Dairy Industry Science and Technology Innovation Alliance initiated and implemented a special research project to promote the sustainable development of the dairy industry -- high-quality milk Project in 2016,which covers three aspects: establishing a high quality milk labeling system,promoting the upgrading of dairy farming technology,and comprehensively implementing the standardization and supervision of dairy processing technology. The quality evaluation method of high quality dairy products based on active enzymes,active proteins and furosine is proposed in the high quality milk labeling system. At present,the commonly used detection methods for furosine and lactoferrin include high performance liquid chromatography,liquid chromatography mass spectrometry,capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry,etc. High performance liquid chromatography is the most commonly used detection method,but the pretreatment time is long and the process is complex,and the sample purity is high. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is sensitive,but the equipment is expensive and the requirement for operators is high. Capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry has a good separation and detection effect on biological macromolecules,but the interface between capillary electrophoresis and mass spectrometry still has some defects,high maintenance cost,poor detection repeatability. This paper described the detection methods of furosine and lactoferrin in high-quality milk,compared the advantages and disadvantages of the methods. The aim is to provide reference for further developing a new method for the detection of furosine and lactoferrin in high quality milk.

Key words: furosine, lactoferrin, detection method

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