China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (10): 100-104.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.10.18

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Effect on Preservation Performance of Different Temperatures for Pasteurized Milk out of Cold Chain

ZHAN Yan1,2, LI Pingping1,2, HUANGFU Mingming1,2, HAN Liqiang1,2, ZHANG Chao1,2, GUO Yujie1,2, JIANG Bo3,*   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Animal Biochemistry and Nutrition,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,P.R. China,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou Henan 450046;
    2Key Laboratory of Animal Growth and Development of Henan Province,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou Henan 450046;
    3Dairy Research Institute,Henan Huahuaniu Dairy Group Co.,Ltd.,Zhengzhou Henan 450000
  • Online:2023-10-25 Published:2023-11-13

Abstract: [Objective] To discuss the change in the quality of pasteurized milk when it is out of the cold chain and to provide a more practical reference for pasteurized milk producers and consumers.[Method]The samples were tested for acidity,pH value,taste and texture at 1 hour intervals at 25 ℃, 30 ℃ and 35 ℃ until deterioration,as objective indicators for comparative assessment of the preservation performance.[Result]The taste and texture of pasteurized milk were determined to be satisfactory at 8 hours at 35 ℃,10 hours at 30 ℃ and 22 hours at 25 ℃.[Conclusion]In light of pasteurized milk's properties,it is advised that storage at 25 ℃ should not exceed 6 hours,and that it should be thoroughly heated before consumption.

Key words: pasteurized milk, out of cold chain, preservation performance

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