China Dairy ›› 2025, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (1): 99-105.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.25.01.16

• DAIRY INDUSTRY • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research and Development Progress of Camel Milk Powder Products

YANG Yingchun, WANG Xiaorui, LI Meng, YIN Na, DAI Zhiwei, YOU Hong, LUO Xiaohong*   

  1. Xinjiang Tianrun Biological Technology Co.,Ltd.,Urumqi Xinjiang 830000
  • Online:2025-01-25 Published:2025-02-14

Abstract: Due to geographical and production constraints, etc,The development of camel milk powder market has been restricted for a long time. As a unique dairy resource in Xinjiang,in order to promote the research and utilization of camel milk, this paper discussed camel milk powder from various aspects such as the composition of camel milk, the role of health care, the development status of camel milk powder, and the comparison of the implementation standards for the preparation of camel milk powder. Some suggestions are proposed for the future development of the camel milk powder industry. Improving the production technology of camel milk powder with higher efficiency and lower damage,as well as formulating adulteration standards and restrictive measures,are effective ways to promote the vigorous development of Chinese camel milk powder industry.

Key words: camel milk, camel milk powder, effect, processing, standard

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