China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (5): 100-104.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.05.20

• DAIRY INDUSTRY • Previous Articles    

Determination of VitaminAl in Breast Milk

CHEN Chen   

  1. Quality Inspection Center of Bei Da Huang Wandersun Dairy Holdings Co., Ltd. Harbin Heilongjiang 150000
  • Online:2021-05-25 Published:2021-06-07

Abstract: In this paper,the first method of GB 5009.82-2016 RP-HPLC and UV detector were used to detect the vitamin A a content of breast milk in three different periods, and the results were compared.According to the experimental data,the content of vitamin A in breast milk is similar to that in cow's milk during colostrum period, but with the extension of lactation period, the content of vitamin A in breast milk gradually decreases.The detection wavelength was 325 nm,and the peak time of vitamin A in breast milk,milk and reference materials was 3.297 min. The detection limit of vitamin A was 3.98 μ g/100g,and the quantitative limit of vitamin A was 11.9 μ g/100g. Within this range,the linear regression equation y = 1.409 0x-0.002 47, R2 = 0.999 5.

Key words: breast milk, milk, vitaminA, Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography

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