China Dairy ›› 2022, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (9): 7-7.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.22.09.02

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Principle and Key Points Analysis of Making Whole Corn Silage

CAO Xiaobo1, LIANG Zhandong1, ZHANG Yan2   

  1. 1 Beijing U-Bovine Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100085;
    2 Suning Yuying High School Co.,Ltd.,Cangzhou Hebei 062350
  • Online:2022-09-25 Published:2022-09-30

Abstract: With the rapid development of dairy industry,whole corn silage is more and more recognized and favored by dairy farmers because of its advantages of low price,long storage time,rich nutrition,good palatability and high feed conversion rate. However,in the silage production process,due to the lack of silage production technology,lack of experience,low awareness of farmers,eventually lead to the failure of silage production.In order to improve the production level of whole corn silage. In this paper,the four basic principles of corn silage production,including water control,air isolation,microbial treatment and storage management,were discussed and analyzed.By controlling the best harvest time,keeping stubble height,cutting length and grain crushing degree strictly,breeders can achieve fast feeding,pressing and sealing of the cellar,correct use of silage starter,and good maintenance and management after sealing of the cellar,so as to make high-quality silage and further improve milk yield of cows and economic benefits of the pasture.

Key words: whole corn plant, silage, principle, key point

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