China Dairy ›› 2023, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (11): 106-111.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.23.11.19

• DAIRY INDUSTRY • Previous Articles    

Study on the Flavor of Fermented Yogurt Based on Kefir Strain System

ZOU Yang, ZHANG Haijiao, ZHANG Lu, ZHANG Jiaqi, YANG Yang   

  1. Tianjin Haihe Dairy Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300300
  • Online:2023-11-25 Published:2023-12-12

Abstract: This article focused on the flavor of fermented yogurt based on the Kefir mixed strain system, and provided an overview of the research background of wine brewing and yogurt, as well as the importance of Kefir strain. It elaborated on the process and standards of wine brewing screening, analyzed the sampling of wine brewing in various regions, and selected Xiaogan wine brewing based on its unique advantages and attributes. In the screening section, the screening methods and standards were studied, and a comparative study was conducted between Kefir strain and other strains. Finally, the Kefir strain system was selected. In the experimental design section, the key factors affecting the flavor of Kefir mixed strain system fermented yogurt were explored.

Key words: Kefir strain, Wine brewing, yogurt, flavor

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