China Dairy ›› 2021, Vol. 0 ›› Issue (8): 28-33.doi: 10.12377/1671-4393.21.08.07

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Ten Limiting Factors in Alfalfa Forage Production

CHEN Gu   

  1. Evergreen International Grass Industry (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing 100025
  • Published:2021-09-03

Abstract: Alfalfa can grow in most areas of China, but due to different climate and soil conditions, there are great differences in planting technology, harvest management, variety selection, growth season, irrigation methods, pest control methods and so on. Therefore, it is very difficult to formulate a unified production plan for such a diversified alfalfa forage industry. However, the important principles guiding alfalfa growth and the factors limiting alfalfa yield are the same. This paper summarizes some key limiting factors affecting Alfalfa forage yield and quality in the industry.

Key words: alfalfa forage, yield and quality, limiting factors, methods

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