Journal Information
  • Journal of Chinese Research Hospitals
    (Bimonthly,started publication in 2014)
    Responsible Institution
    Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China
    Sponsor Institution
    Chinese Research Hospital Association
    Science and Technology of China Press
    Editorial Board of Journal of Chinese Research Hospitals
    Science and Technology of China Press
    Office/Room 2002-2003, Tower A, GT International Center , No. 3 of YongAnDongLi, Chaoyang District, Beijing , China
    Post code:100022
    Postal Distribution Code:82-833
    Overseas Issue NO.:BM9207
    ISSN 2095-8781 CN 10-1274/R
Current Issue
Volume 0 Issue 8, 25 August 2021
The Application Prospect of Forage Intercropping in the Agricultural Region
XU Ruixuan, ZHANG Yingjun
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 3-8.
Abstract ( 365 ) PDF(1533KB) ( 327 )
Technical Specification for Whole Plant Corn Wrapping Package Silage
CHEN Li, WANG Shaoxin, XU Luo, WANG Baobao, LI Zhongjian, FENG Jianying
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 13-18.
Abstract ( 711 ) PDF(3581KB) ( 358 )
Processing and Modulation Technology of Silage
LI Lianren
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 19-23.
Abstract ( 469 ) PDF(1379KB) ( 295 )
Pain Points and Breakthroughs in Alfalfa Silage Sales
MA Jicheng
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 24-27.
Abstract ( 439 ) PDF(1411KB) ( 270 )
Ten Limiting Factors in Alfalfa Forage Production
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 28-33.
Abstract ( 318 ) PDF(4526KB) ( 308 )
Economic and Market Analysis of Camel Dairy Products in the World and China
HU Dinghuan, YANG Weimin, FANG Cheng, DONG Xiaoxia
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 40-51.
Abstract ( 756 ) PDF(3185KB) ( 1348 )
Rsearch on the Method to Increase the Daily Gain of Calves
WU Heyun, XIE Lingna, ZHENG Xi
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 52-55.
Abstract ( 679 ) PDF(2644KB) ( 493 )
General Survey Report in China of Mycotoxins Content in Corn Silage in 2020
ZHAO Wei, WANG Lanhui, ZHEN Yuguo, ZHANG Weigang, WANG Zhibao, ZHAO Chunyu, HUO Yujia
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 56-59.
Abstract ( 478 ) PDF(1199KB) ( 205 )
Application of Digital Technology and Equipment in Dairy Cattle Breeding
SHI Fangquan, WANG Hui, ZHAO Yiguang, XIONG Benhai
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 60-67.
Abstract ( 703 ) PDF(2165KB) ( 891 )
Progress of Multi-omics in Interaction Mechanism Between Rumen Microorganism and Host in Dairy Cows
SHEN Yiyuan, TONG Jinjin, JIANG Lingshu, XIONG Benhai
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 68-75.
Abstract ( 481 ) PDF(1220KB) ( 650 )
Treatment and Prevention of Dairy Cow Mastitis
GAO Ruijun
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 76-79.
Abstract ( 683 ) PDF(1218KB) ( 872 )
Prevention and Control of Bovine Nodular Skin Diseases
SONG Sijun
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 80-83.
Abstract ( 461 ) PDF(1254KB) ( 693 )
Research Progress of Dairy Cow Mastitis
ZHANG Zhaoyi, BAO Yuxin, WANG Huiling
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 84-87.
Abstract ( 770 ) PDF(1216KB) ( 869 )
Isolation, Identification and Drug Sensitivity of Main Pathogens of Dairy Cow Mastitis in Liangshan Area
ZHOU Guoyan, CHEN Luxi, SUN Yan, WAN Jie, CHEN Bin, ZHANG Tao, Anlaza, QIU Jianyu
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 88-95.
Abstract ( 274 ) PDF(1288KB) ( 213 )
Epidemiological Investigation and Analysis of Prevention and Control Measures of BVD in Some Large-Scale Dairy Farms in Xinjiang
WANG Chenyu, SONG Jie, CAO Mengyuan, CHEN Mingjie, WEI Yong, QI Yayin
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 96-100.
Abstract ( 321 ) PDF(1566KB) ( 187 )
Study on Detection Technology of Aluminum Content and Health Risk Assessment in Dairy Fan of Characteristic Food in Yunnan Province
PENG Zhenhua, MA Xuetao, YANG fan, ZHANG Xueyuan, ZHANG Bowen, LIU Qiuping, HU Zengbin, TAN Jianlin
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 101-106.
Abstract ( 414 ) PDF(1330KB) ( 272 )
Study on the Effect of Raw Milk Storage and Transportation Conditions on Raw Milk Quality
DENG Yanqin, CHEN Baixi, ZHANG Hongmei, LAN Ning, HE Weiwei, CHEN Maojiao, ZHOU Zhongyao
China Dairy, 2021, 0 (8): 113-116.
Abstract ( 314 ) PDF(2389KB) ( 407 )